Paths to Community – Monmouthshire
Creating volunteer maintenance groups to improve Monmouthshire’s path network

Creating a sustainable path network
The Paths to Community project focuses on developing ways to make the public rights of way network more sustainable in the long term and will contribute towards social justice, wellbeing, and resilient community targets in Monmouthshire.
The communities being targeted for path improvements and the development of a long-term path maintenance volunteer team are Monmouth, Usk, and Magor & Undy.
Supporting volunteers
The project enables Monlife Countryside Access staff to work alongside Ramblers Cymru with community volunteer groups, providing them with materials, training and information, while making physical improvements to signage and the accessibility of routes.
By being on the ground, volunteers can enjoy the benefits of the outdoors, but will also be helping to resolve issues to maintain and open Public Right of Way access across communities.
Get involved
Everyone has rights and responsibilities in the countryside and this project is open to anyone who wants to be involved.
You can help enable access to green spaces the appreciation of nature and the environment within the community alongside promoting health and wellbeing through finding the wild places that are closer than you think.
So, if you enjoy being outside and would like to develop practical skills in the outdoors to improve local paths in Monmouth, Usk or Magor & Undy, then we would like to hear from you.
Take a few minutes to fill out our volunteer questionnaire form.
Find out more
If you have any further questions or just want to find out about our community activities, such as nature walks, please let us know, please contact Rhys Wynne Jones.
This Monmouthshire County Council project is funded by the Welsh Government’s Access Improvement Grant.

Pathways Partnership Carmarthenshire
We are working with volunteers to survey the path network in the area to gather a better understanding of the state of the paths and gather valuable, up to date information.

Paths to Prosperity
Powys County Council and Ramblers Cymru collaborate on community trail development project.

Partnership project to improve sustainability of the public rights of way network
Ramblers Cymru will be delivering the Paths to Communities project for Monmouthshire County Council developing ways to make the public rights of way network more sustainable in the long term.